Home Page

Our goal was and is to produce a lively and regularly updated site that will become a valuable community resource for all Outwood residents, organisations and friends of the village.

The site is intended to be a valuable addition to our existing local village newsletter, the Outwood News, which is already an essential village resource. While the Parish Council has provided a small amount of initial funding for the website (domain name and website hosting subscription fees), it is by no means intended to be a "mouthpiece" for the Council, but an all-inclusive resource for villagers and village organisations.

What's New?

Some of you may remember the 'old' village website. You'll see that this 're-launched' version has a lot more content, easier navigation and an all-round better look and feel.

For first-timers, you may find that one of the most useful starting points is the Village Diary - a one-stop shop for the key events taking place in the village each year. Say goodbye to clashing functions or surprise committee meetings - now you've no excuse!

Travel around the site a bit and you'll also find information on the work of the Parish Council; what's going on at our village hall, the Lloyd Hall (together with full information on bookings and prices); contributions from a number of village organisations; and links to several other relevant websites. Play around with the site - it won't bite you!

And, finally, please remember - this is a work in progress. While 'surfing' the site, if you think of any gaps, or areas that can be improved, or if you have any general suggestions or comments, do please let us know - see the Web Designers page for contact details. We'd also more than welcome any offers of help in developing the site - especially from the younger members of our community!



Did you know, a staggering 298 tonnes of recyclable material had to be rejected for recycling last year? The recyclable material had been contaminated by unrecyclable items that prevented it from being made into something else.

This is a massive issue because rejected loads and contamination of dry mixed recycling is expensive for local councils to sort out – and that extra cost is passed on to councils and the taxpayer. Recycling makes financial sense for councils as it is cheaper than disposing of waste as rubbish and leaves more cash available for other essential services. It also generates less carbon dioxide than rubbish disposal, so it has additional environmental benefits.

It’s widely recognised that recycling can be confusing, though. Putting the wrong thing in the recycling is easily done. The good news is you can follow these five steps to help make it a little easier.

  • Packaging can be misleading. Or you may think to yourself ‘it looks recyclable.’ Check first by using the Surrey Recycles search tool or downloading it as a free app. It also includes information on how to recycle items that aren’t accepted in your household recycling collections such as crisp packets and food and drink cartons.

  • Check what you can recycle separately. In most areas of Surrey, food waste and garden waste, small electricals, batteries and textiles recycling are collected separately - they don’t go in your recycling bin. Use our recycling search tool or free Surrey Recycles app to check how to recycle them.
  • No food or drink residue as moisture and grease will ruin cardboard and paper and make it unrecyclable. Give food and drink packaging a quick rinse by dunking it into soaking pans before placing in your recycling bin.
  • Place all items loose in your recycling bin – nothing inside bags, sacks or bin liners please.
  • Play to bin – try our drag and drop waste sorting game today!

Remember, other small changes like swapping to reusables where possible will really help as you’ll be creating less waste in the first place. Find out more at: surreyep.org.uk.

If you would like to share this messaging with your community, please find attached a toolkit containing some editorial for newsletters and websites, and some suggested wording and imagery for social media channels. If you would like more information, please contact us at: comms@surreyep.org.uk


The Council has organised a First Aid course for residents. This will be held on 20th June 2024 at 8pm in the Lloyd Hall, Brickfield Road. There is only space for 20 people, so please contact the Clerk on parish.clerk@outwood.org to get your name on the list.

We only have one person take this up. Please contact the Clerk to make this worthwhile

Apply for Tandridge Household Support Fund grant

From 10am on Monday 3 June, residents with low incomes can apply online for a small grant from the Tandridge Household Support Fund or call 01883 722000. This grant aims to help ease financial pressures.

The government funding is limited, so residents should apply as soon as possible at www.tandridge.gov.uk/supportfund. The application process will close when all the money has been allocated. Residents can apply even if they have received a grant from this fund before.

Eligible households with children will receive £375 and households without children will receive £175. When applying, residents must upload three bank statements from March to May 2024 showing all transactions otherwise their application will be rejected.

Citizens Advice has also teamed up with Surrey County Council offering tailored financial advice including the Household Support Fund, residents can call 0300 200 1008.

Councillor Catherine Sayer, Leader of the Council, said: “This fund aims to support households most in need because of the rise in the cost of living. If you know anyone in the district who may be struggling financially, please tell them about these grants.”

Grants of up to £2,000 are available for organisations, charities and not-for-profits.

The Surrey Supported Employment Fund awards grants to enable local organisations to support people with disabilities or mental ill-health to overcome barriers to work. These grants will take the form of a fund pot used to award grants to individuals in need. Fund holders will make small onward grants to their beneficiaries to help them achieve their work aspirations. The grants will include the provision to fund the admin costs of the ‘host’ organisation in administering the grants to individuals.

If you support people with disabilities and/or mental ill-health, find out more about becoming a funder-holder for SSE by clicking here




Three years ago the National Trust kindly surfaced a section of Outwood Common between Outwood Butchers and Church Walk. As us Outwoodians know only too well, the thick clay soils during the winter months makes many areas almost unpassable, so this new path was extremely popular.

Prior to the pandemic, Outwood Parish Council were investigating ways in which they could improve the health and wellbeing for locals and our small numbers of visitors. It’s well understood that being out in nature, is good for our mental health and a healthy body helps promote a healthy mind. The addition of something that has the potential to improve fitness whilst outside seemed very appealing.

Parish Council, worked extremely hard to agree terms with the National Trust and also secure grant funding to meet the majority of the costs.


Trim trails are growing in popularity due to their ability to offer diverse benefits for all ages. Working with the National Trust and Andy Wright, (formally of the National Trust, but now running his own business, Conservation and Access), various options and styles were considered before deciding a natural looking trim trail would best suit Outwood’s rural environment.


The timber was purchased from sustainable woodlands locally, near Dorking. Many people wonder why we didn’t use the ash trees that had to be felled due to disease. Unfortunately ash timber is no where near as durable as the Douglas fir we used. The douglas should be good for 15yrs plus, whereas the ash would be unstable within 5yrs.

Enjoyment and benefits

Given that these logs don’t represent anything, (e.g. a pirate ship), there is an opportunity for young people to be creative in how they interpret the structures for play.

Those who want a cardio workout can vigorously use a trim-trail, whereas for others there are benefits from simply balancing along the logs. Balance training becomes increasingly beneficial as we age. Better balance leads to fewer falls and associated injuries.

We hope everyone will enjoy this new resource on Outwood Common. Please come along to the opening ceremony on Thursday 15th September 6.30pm on the new path just behind Outwood Butchers shop.



 An increased number of vulnerable and disabled residents on low incomes may soon be eligible for financial support to rectify serious disrepair or to adapt their homes, under changes we’re proposing to our Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy.


These changes will provide even more targeted financial help to enable more residents to live safely and independently in their own homes.


Vulnerable and disabled residents who live in council homes receive help and support through other means, so aren’t eligible under this policy.


We’d like residents’ thoughts on our proposals and you can have your say by completing our online survey by 5pm on Friday 12 August 2022.  


If you know someone who doesn’t have access to the internet, but would like to give their thoughts, please e-mail grantsconsultation@tandridge.gov.uk and we will arrange for them to receive a paper copy of the survey.



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Keyless Vehicle Theft Crime Prevention

What can I do?

Keep Car Keys Safe

Whilst at home keep your car keys away from the car to disrupt communication range.

Avoid leaving them near your door and windows.

Use a signal-blocking pouch

The pouch can block the transmission of the signal from the car key once inside the pouch

Turn off the fob’s wireless signal

Wireless signals on some keyless fobs can be turned off. Look in your car manual to see if this is possible. If not, contact your vehicle manufacturer.

Re-programme your keys

This erases the code from the car key to the car itself. This will mean a spare car key that is not in your possession can no longer be paired with your car leaving it susceptible to theft. Contact your local Master Locksmith Association (MLA) approved auto locksmith – www.locksmith.co.uk/services/auto-locksmith/ for quotes.

On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Port

Some thefts involve thieves breaking into the vehicle and accessing the OBD port to start the car. Below are a few options that may help secure your vehicle from this method of theft:

  Contact your local dealership or an auto electrician to relocate the OBD port in your vehicle.

  Consider the use of a OBD port protective cover or lock guard

  Consider a remote central locking keyless system upgrade or an upgraded immobiliser system to protect your vehicle. This can be very costly and only to be considered for higher end prestige vehicles.

Steering wheel lock

Strongly consider reintroducing a steering wheel lock to your vehicle. This can be an effective tool in the fight against keyless thefts, purely for the reason that it cannot be compromised via technology!


  If you have a garage, use it to secure your vehicle in.

  If you park on the driveway, park as close to the property as you can

  If you have more than one vehicle on your driveway park the less desirable vehicle infront of the more desirable vehicle to block its access.

Thatcham Research Consumer security Rating

Thatcham’s consumer security rating keeps drivers informed of the theft risk of new cars and assesses a new vehicle all-round security. This can be a handy tool to check before purchasing a vehicle. You can access the information via


Note – As with any additional security for vehicles, try to purchase devices that are:

  Thatcham quality assured – www.thatcham.org

  Sold Secure tested – www.soldsecure.com

Secured by Design approved – www.secured


Doorstep Crime:

Sussex and Surrey police have seen a number of recent reports of rogue trader fraud. One victim, a 94-year-old woman from West Surrey reported having a male knock on her door offering to jet wash her driveway. The male claimed it would cost £750
but would mean she didn’t have weeds growing on her driveway for up to 5 years. Sounding like a good deal the
victim explained she did not have this much to hand and would need time to withdraw it. The males tried to pressure the victim into withdrawing more cash immediately but then settled on taking £150 cash and returning another evening to complete the works. The
victim handed over £150 cash trusting these males would return. They didn’t return.

How to protect yourself:

  Do not engage with cold callers

  Always shop around for the best price; obtain more than one quote for work to compare prices and products

  Always check traders or doorstep callers’ identity; ask to see ID, check the traders is a member of a reputable trade body

  Do not hand over a cash deposit or pay in full before any work has been completed

  Double check facts and read the small print; make sure you fully understand the cost, what work is expected, time scales and
service expectations. Carefully check any contracts you are asked to sign to ensure you are happy with the terms and conditions.

  Its ok to say no, do not feel pressured into making a quick agreement or decision. Remember its your doorstep and your

Ticket Fraud:

A 62-year-old woman from Sussex reported a ticketing scam. The victim saw 2 concert tickets advertised on Facebook marketplace and took interest. The seller offered 2 tickets for £100 and claimed he would send them via recorded delivery. The victim asked to pay via PayPal, but the seller asked for a bank transfer only. The victim transferred £100 to the seller under the impression he was posting the tickets to her. The victim after a few days started to grow suspicious when no tickets arrived. The victim questioned the seller’s authenticity and he claimed if the tickets had got lost it was her problem. The victim was later blocked by the seller and realised she had been scammed.

How to protect yourself:

  Only buy tickets from the venue box office, promoter, official agent or reputable ticket exchange site.

  Paying by credit card offers better protection, so use it where you can check sellers’ reviews online, have others reported to not receive the ticket / item they purchased? Do others suggest to stay clear?

  If you are buying from an individual, always pay safely. Do not bank transfer, instead use a credit card or a safe payment site that offers you protection.

  Confirm the event details are the same as the event advertisement, check the date, time, location, and seating options.

  It is always safest to book tickets through official sellers that are members of the self-regulatory body the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR), as anything else could be a scam.

  If a site shows the Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers (STAR) logo, you can check if they really are members by contacting STAR directly.

Fake HMRC letters:

Sussex and Surrey Police have seen several reports recently from victims reporting to have received a letter claiming to be from HMRC. The letter details that the victim has overpaid on their tax and is due a refund. The letter states that a cheque has been sent to a particular company for them to receive the refund on the victim’s behalf and to redeem their refund the victim must fill in an online form with the company giving all their personal and financial details.

How to protect yourself:

  Contact HMRC to check the communication you have received is genuine. Contact information for HMRC can be found on Gov.uk.

  Do not provide any personal or financial details via a link given, cold call or email.

  Never use the contact details provided in the letter to check authenticity, always find genuine contact details online.

  If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Holiday Booking:

If you are planning to book a holiday this summer, here is how you can keep yourself protected from fraudulent holiday offers.

  Book a holiday directly with an airline, hotel, or a travel agent. Check whether they’re a member of the Association of British Travel Agents.

  If booking through a holiday homeowner or letting agent; ask them questions about the booking, room, location, and area. And be extra cautious if asked to pay by cash or bank transfer.

  Always pay via credit or with debit card for extra protection.

  Do not reply to unsolicited emails, texts, calls or social media contact with out of the blue holiday offers.

  Always check that the website you are booking on has a padlock icon in the address bar.

  Check reviews online for holiday homeowners, booking sites and holiday adverts before booking.

Have you been a victim of fraud?

  Surrey Police on 101 or visit www.surrey.police.uk 

  Sussex Police on 101 or visit www.sussex.police.uk

If you or someone you know is vulnerable and has been a victim of fraud call:

Report fraud or attempted fraud, by contacting Action Fraud at http://www.actionfraud.police.uk/report_fraud or call 0300 123 2040.


If you would like a copy of the end of year accounts and reports, please contact the Clerk on parish.clerk@outwood.org