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C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  07592 151985 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org



PRESENT:                             Cllrs. de Wiggondene-Sheppard (Chair), Baldock, Devlin and Malley

APOLOGIES:                       Cllr. Howard, County Cllr. Farr

IN ATTENDANCE:             District Cllrs. Farr, Gillman and Smith

ALSO PRESENT:                 8 Members of the Public


The following questions and points were raised:

  1. Sawmills/Tone: There was a complaint that the company running this site :
    1. Was abusing planning regulations – unchecked by Local Planning Authority (LPA)
    2. Had undertaken significant unapproved development of the site – unchecked by LPA
    3. Was causing road safety concerns over the expansion of HGV traffic

Residents  attending requested

  • local Parish Councils to act together – recognised that a letter had been sent by Nick Wyer in October 2021 that was unanswered.
  • OPC to submit a formal complaint to LPA
  • Press for enforcement of unlawful breaches
  • Closer monitoring of future applications

Cllr Farr stated that she would be doing a tour of the area with Helen Murch, the new Chief Planning Officer at TDC, and would bring up the matter then.  Cllr de Wiggondene-Sheppard requested a copy of all the evidence.

Public Question time was extended to accommodate all questions.

  1. Deer crossing signs were requested.  This is a SCC Highways/National Trust matter.  Further investigations would take place

  1. Questions were raised about the ‘permanence’ of the structures in the fun fair in the field behind the Dog & Duck. Cllr Farr undertook to mention this to the Helen Murch during their meeting.

08/0674                MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

    1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 5th July – these had been circulated in advance and were proposed for approval by Cllr. Malley, seconded by Cllr. Baldock and signed as a true record with the following amendments:

  • Minute number 07/0665 Planning Applications:

g.      Application:       TA/2023/817

 Proposal:            Demolition of building (prior notification of demolition)

 Location:            Portfield Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

   Comment:          No objection.


    1. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda. – None

08/0675                DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST

Cllr. Baldock declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 08/0678 (e) – Pear Tree Cottagge

08/0676                COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

An email report on the introduction into Tandridge of the Surrey Connect electric bus service. Link to full details below.

Surrey connect: on demand bus service - Surrey County Council (surreycc.gov.uk)

08/0677                DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORTS

It was reported the Local Plan was found to be unsound and TDC may withdraw the Plan

08/0678                PLANNING APPLICATIONS

  1. Application:        TA/2023/817 (Dealt with under delegated authority in consultation with Cllr. Malley – lead on planning)

proposal:             Demolition of building (prior notification of demolition) Portfield Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

Comment:          The stables are clearly in bad condition, and given they have asbestos roofing proper demolition and waste handling is preferable to one of them collapsing and the asbestos sheet breaking.                                                                                                                             NOTED

  1. Application:        TA/2023/742

Proposal:             Change of use from a Public House (Class A4) into residential dwelling (Class C3) and the erection of a single storey glass rear extension and internal renovations

Comment:          No Objection

  1. Application:        TA/2023/896

Proposal:             Single storey front extension. Rear open pergola.  Rear seating canopy. Relocation of vehicle entrance with gates and brick piers.

Location:              Long Meadow, Dayseys Hill, Outwood

Comment:          No objection in principle but would express concern over the size of the parking allocation

  1. Application:        TA/2023/958

Proposal:             The construction of a single storey garage with new permeable shingle drive accessed from existing gate entrance

Location:              Orchard Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

Comments:        No objection with the single storey structure but would like it confirmed that there are no plans to alter the main residence.

  1. Application:                       TA/2023/1038

Proposal:                            Erection of single storey rear extension and porch roof

Location:                             Pear Tree cottage, Bellwether Lane, Outwood

Comment:                         No objection

  1. To consider ongoing issue with Certificate of Lawfulness at Sawmills/Tone

It was AGREED to await further evidential information from the complainant as discussed under Public Questions.


  1. Risk Assessment
  2. Disciplinary
  3. Grievance
  4. Equality & Diversity
  5. Financial Regulations

All the above had been circulated in advance and proposed for approval by Cllr. Malley, seconded by Cllr. Devlin and approved.                                                                                                                           RESOLVED

08/0680                TO DISCUSS PROS AND CONS OF DOING A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN – Nothing further to report.

08/0681                AVIATION AND TRANSPORT – Nothing to report.

08/0682                COMMUNITY MATTERS – Nothing to report.

068/0683              FINANCE

  1. To Approve Internal Auditor and Terms of Reference – this had been circulated in advance and proposed for approval by Cllr. de Wiggondene-Sheppard, seconded by Cllr. Devlin and approved                                                                                                                                           RESOLVED
  2. To Approve Bank Reconciliation – This had been circulated in advance and approved.
  3. To Approve Detailed Receipts and Payments by Budget Heading – this had been circulated in advance and approved.
  4. To Approve List of Payments – This had been circulated in advance and approved.

08/0684                AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – None

The meeting closed at 8.46pm

Signed: ………………………………………………..                                                  Date: …………………………………………… CHAIR