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C/O 2 Dirty Lane, Ashurst Wood, West Sussex RH19 3RY

Tel:  07592 151985 ~ Email: parish.clerk@outwood.org


Cllr. Devlin proposed Cllr. Baldock to act as Chair for the meeting.  This was seconded by Cllr. Malley and AGREED               

There were no questions from the Public

PRESENT:                             Cllrs. Baldock (Elected Chair for the evening), Devlin and Malley

APOLOGIES:                       Cllrs. Howard and de Wiggondene-Sheppard

IN ATTENDANCE:             The Clerk, County Cllr Farr; District Cllrs. Far, Gillman and Smith

ALSO PRESENT:                 2 Members of the Public

01/00705              MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 

    1. To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st November – It was agreed that these would be approved at the next meeting of the Council.
    2. Matters Arising - not covered elsewhere on the agenda – Members had read the minutes and there were no Matters Arising.

01/00706              DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – None

01/00707              COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT

Rights of Way Improvement Plan – This had been circulated in advance and it was agreed that Cllr Howard should complete this on behalf of the Council as Rights of Way representative.  Any individual could also complete this.

01/00708              DISTRICT COUNCILLORS' REPORTS – Nothing to report.

01/00709              PLANNING APPLICATIONS

It was AGREED that the following comments be recorded on the following applications:

  1. Application:                2023/1342

Proposal:                             Variation of Condition 2 (Drawings) of planning permission ref: 2021/2035 (demolition of kennels. Erection of 4 residential dwellings, with associated parking and landscaping). To substitute drawing numbers following internal layout refinement

Location:                              Orchard Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

Comment:                          NO OBJECTION        

  1. Application:                2023/1444

Proposal:                             Replacement rear conservatory and side porch with single storey rear and side extension to create living space, utility room and open porch.  Installation of air source heat pump.

Location:                              2 Brightleigh Meadow Cottages, Millers Lane, Outwood

Comment:                          NO OBJECTION

  1. Application:                2023/1245

Proposal:                             Proposed single storey side extension (certificate of lawfulness for a Proposed Use or Development)

Location:                              Orchard Farm, Woolborough Lane, Outwood

Comment:                          NOOBJECTION

  1. Application:                2023/1454

Proposal:                     Erection of single storey side and rear extension

Location:                      Merlins Cottage, Millers Lane, Outwood

Comment:                  NO OBJECTION

                                                                                                                                                        SO RESOLVED

01/00710              BT – Update

It was NOTED that the Clerk had referred the matter of the erroneous debt collection by BT to the Communications Ombudsman who had taken up the case.  After being contacted by the Ombudsman, BT had offered a full and final settlement of the case by withdrawing the erroneous claim.  This was AGREED by email due to time constraints.

01/00711              AVIATION AND TRANSPORT

The meeting was suspended to allow the Mr Wooller to speak on this matter.

  • The Planning Inspectorate had requested additional information and that a decision on this was anticipated in June.
  • The wider airspace review of Sout East England is an ongoing process.
  • Mr Wooler has registered to attend the next meeting at the end of January.
  • Air traffic movements are still below 2012 levels.

The meeting re-opened.

01/00712              COMMUNITY MATTERS

  1. Burial Ground – It was NOTED Tandridge District Council had issued a Compulsory Purchase Order on the land adjacent to the Churchyard in order to extend the Burial Ground.
  2. First Aid Courses – Lloyd Hall dates to accommodate this were awaited.  It was AGREED that this be held in the Spring.
  3. National Trust – It was reported that volunteers were carrying out minor repairs to car parks, stiles and bridges.

01/00713              FINANCE

    1. To approve Budget – A draft budget had been circulated in advance and informal online discussions had been held.  It was proposed by Cllr. Devlin and seconded by Cllr. Malley and AGREED that the budget as circulated be APPROVED.                                SO RESOLVED
    2. To approve Precept – It was proposed by Cllr Devlin, seconded by Cllr. Malley and AGREED that a 5% increase on the previous year’s figure be levied on Tandridge District Council.  This amounted to a Precept of £30,450 for the Financial Year 2024/24.                                          SO RESOLVED
    3. To Approve Bank Reconciliation – This had been circulated in advance, signed by Cllr. Baldock and APPROVED
    4. To Approve Detailed Receipts and Payments by Budget Heading – this had been circulated in advance and APPROVED
    5. To Approve List of Payments: These had been circulated in advance and APPROVED.
  • December 2023
  • January 2024

Pursuant to Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the Council believes that the public and press should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  1. Clerk’s Salary – It was NOTED that the Clerk’s Salary increase as AGREED SLCC and NALC had been implemented and backdated to 1st April. As per the contract of employment, an incremental point had also been implemented                                        APPROVED AND RESOLVED

01/00714              AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING – None

The Meeting closed at 7.55pm

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SIGNED (CHAIR)                                                                                                DATE